Periodic Rules Review Report
DATE: September 23, 2024 – Periodic Review of Rules
Report for 21 N.C.A.C. 42, Board of Examiners in Optometry
North Carolina General Statutes section 150B-21.3A requires all state agencies, including occupational licensing boards, to review the North Carolina Administrative Code (Rules) every ten years. In accordance with the statute, the Board has reviewed its rules, N.C.A.C. Title 21, Chapter 42 – North Carolina State Board of Examiners in Optometry.
The Board’s website includes a spreadsheet that lists all the Board’s existing rules and their corresponding determinations. Also on the website is a link to the full text of all Rules.
“Public comment” is defined by G.S. 150B-21.3A(a)(5) as a written objection to all or part of a rule. Additionally, pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A(c)(2), in order for the Rules Review Commission to determine whether the public comment has merit, the public comment must address the specific substance of the rule and address any of the standards of Commission review, as set forth in G.S. 150B-21.9(a).
Comments may be sent to the Board via US Postal Service (USPS) or other delivery service (UPS, FedEx, etc.) and email at the address noted below. To be accepted, all comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on November 27, 2024.
North Carolina State Board of Examiners in Optometry
521 Yopp Road
Suite 214 #444
Jacksonville, NC 29540
Telephone: 910 285-3160
Fax: 910 285-4546
Email: Janice Peterson, Administrative Associate, at