Classification of Licenses Policy
Classification of Licenses Policy
The Board recognizes the following categories of licensure:
ACTIVE LICENSE - The optometrist has been granted his or her initial license or has renewed his or her license at the last renewal cycle; such renewal requires that the optometrist has completed all required continuing education and has paid the appropriate renewal fee. This optometrist is eligible to engage in the practice of optometry in North Carolina.
INACTIVE LICENSE - MAINTAINING LICENSE IN INACTIVE STATUS - (PAYS RENEWAL FEE) The optometrist who no longer wishes to engage in the active practice of optometry in North Carolina may notify the Board of his intention to become inactive, pay his annual renewal fee for an inactive license, and complete an annual renewal application each year he remains inactive. The optometrist does not have to meet the continuing education requirement for active licensure during such period of inactivity. See Part A of Board Policy on Reinstatement or Restoration of a License.
DELINQUENT AND RENEWABLE - If an optometrist’s license is not renewed before February 1, that optometrist is eligible to reactivate to ACTIVE status or MAINTAINING LICENSE IN INACTIVE STATUS only until December 31 of the renewal year.
If such application and the required renewal fee are not received by the Board before February 1 of each year, every person thereafter continuing to practice optometry shall be guilty of the unauthorized practice of optometry and shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by G.S. 90-118.11
EXPIRED (Permanently Expired) - After December 31 of the renewal year (one calendar year after date of expiration), a license that has not been renewed is no longer eligible FOR RENEWAL (In this circumstance, the only way to gain licensure is by applying for and successfully completing the Board’s clinical-practicum examination.)
REVOKED OR OTHERWISE DEPRIVED OF LICENSE – The grounds on which the Board may revoke a license are specified in North Carolina General Statutes section 90-121.2(a). A license voluntarily surrendered as a result of a consent order or other agreement with the Board or in lieu of or to terminate a Board investigation is also considered to be a “deprivation” of license for purposes of the application of G.S. 90-121.4. See Part B of Board Policy on Reinstatement or Restoration of a License.
Adopted 2/20/2018
Revised 11/10/2022
Revised 10/06/2023